quinta-feira, 28 de maio de 2009

Maneiras idiotas de passar o tempo

Rui took the Which cult movie character are you? quiz and the result is Max Fischer
From "Rushmore." While you're not quite the most intelligent person around, you do strive in the extra-curriculars. You excel in expressing your taste for theater, but you just can't seem to woo the woman you really desire.

Rui completed the quiz "Que personagem do Freeport és tu?" with the result Sócrates.
És Sócrates, o nome mais mediático ligado ao caso Freeport. Sem ti o caso não era caso e as lojas já tinham todas fechado. Parabéns! .

Rui just took the "Which Famous Poet Are You?" quiz and the result is Robert Frost.
At the time of his death in 1963, Robert Frost was considered a kind of unofficial poet laureate of the US. In his poems Frost depicted the fields and farms of his surroundings, observing the details of rural life, which hide universal meaning.

Rui took the Who Should Direct the Movie of Your Life? quiz and the result is Orson Welles- Frustrated Genius
If you care about social issues, are a brilliant conversationalist, a visionary who sees things that no one else gets, Orson Wells is your man.

Rui completed the quiz "Sete Palmos, que personagem serás?" with the result Claire.
se és esta personagem, de certeza que tens dentro de ti sempre um turbilhão de emoções, no entanto és uma pessoa com um carácter forte e que luta sempre por aquilo que quer. Não te importas de maneira nenhuma com aquilo que pensam de ti e foges à norma sempre..

Rui completed the quiz "What David Lynch Movie are you?" with the result Lost Highway.
You are tortured and artistic, stylish and beautiful, and at moments can be vile and wicked. You realized that Robert Blake could be scary even before he was accused of shooting his wife..

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